Karting school

Lange karting School started its activities in April 2019, when 27 students aged 4-47 started to study karting under the guidance of our kart school coaches. As the number of interested people positively exceeded all our expectations many times over, we had to divide the students into four study groups and create four instead of one training time so that the coaches could deal with each student to the maximum. 35 students started in the autumn group.

The karting school gives the student a good driving feel and skills to drive a kart, trains reaction speed, develops self-control skills, discipline and is a very good preparation to start a racing career. In the karting school, each participant acquires the rules of behavior on the track, the technique of passing a curve on both dry and wet tracks, learns to assess dangerous situations at high speeds, braking and safe driving techniques. The signal flags and the nature of the start and finish will also become clear. Once the learning block has been completed, each participant can then decide whether they want to hone their skills further and set a goal to reach competitive sports or gain experience to develop their driving skills.

  • All those who are interested in learning to drive a kart or hone their existing skills can register at the karting school.
  • The length of one study block is about 2 months
  • Training takes place 1x a week on Saturday or Sunday mornings from 08:00 to 12:00 (unless otherwise agreed).
  • The cost of a one-time karting school is 60 €. The price includes theory lessons, driving lessons and the necessary riding equipment.
  • One karting training lasts 2 hours

New karting school season

Registration for the karting school starts.
The first lessons take place on 23.05-24.05 weekend.

Who are interested in the karting school can register by clicking here

Kellel on soov sel hooajal kardikoolist osa võtta, on oodatud registreerima: vajutades siia
